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Hotel Reservation


A Hotel reservation is not an actual hotel booking. The reservation is to temporarily reserve a space in a hotel for a limited time. Reservations are used for applying for a visa.



A Hotel reservation is not an actual hotel booking. The reservation is to temporarily reserve a space in a hotel for a limited time. Reservations are used for applying for a visa.

Additional information

Number of persons traveling

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Contact our team today!

Our team of experienced professionals are ready to assist you with any queries or questions you may have.
For queries regarding the U.S Student Visa and Canada Study Permit

The specialist will assist you with all your queries and you’ll have the option to speak with him/her one on one by texting through WhatsApp or by direct calling.

MON – FRI – 9:00AM – 5:00PM


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