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Expedite Travel Services

Typical reasons for US visa denial

Incomplete Application

Many applicants are denied a visa because their US visa application was not properly completed; as such gave inaccurate answers to questions asked in the interview.

Limited Employment and Job Stability

Being employed or working at a previous establishment for less than one (1) year shows inconsistency and inability to settle in a job. The visa officer wants to know that you are working in a stable job for at least (1) one to one (2) years. The longer you are working in an organization, the better are your chances of being granted a visa.

Employment Status

Some applicants are denied a visa because of their work status. Low-income earners are more likely to be refused than those with a higher wage margin.

Marital Status

Single applicants stand a lesser chance of obtaining a visitor visa. This is the case because an applicant with children and spouse has stronger ties to their home country, making them more likely to return home than someone that is single.


The visa officer can reject your application because of your age. For instance, a 28-year-old person is more likely to return to his home country than a 19-year-old applicant. However, while age can be a factor, people of all ages can still acquire a visa.

Working on your Visitor Visa

You can be denied a visa if the visa officer discovers that you have abused your previous visitor visa, by working especially if you have stayed in the US for up to five (5) months on more than one occasions.

Lack of proper documentation

An applicant may be denied for lack of proper documentation. The visa officers do not ask for supporting documents on every occasion. However, if you state on the application, that you own a registered business it is advised that you have a business registration certificate to prove that your business is registered with the Companies Office of Jamaica.

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